Business with JAX

A photo of a person enjoying the JAX bus system


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JAX will issue procurements and award contracts through public solicitations. These are the channels in which JAX does business with the local community for services such as maintenance, information technology work, health insurance, property insurance and any other business. JAX will publish these procurements as needed. If you would like to pursue partnering with JAX please contact the business office.

JAX Employer Transportation Program

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JAX public transportation is eco-friendly, combats climate change, lowers the community’s carbon footprint, reduces congestion on the roadways and reduces dependency on single occupancy vehicles.  Employers can purchase a 31-Day JAX Pass each month for their employees and will receive tax savings.  By offering transit passes, employers not only provide a valuable benefit to their employees but also take advantage of tax savings.

The IRS considers any funds allocated to commuter programs to be a pre-tax fringe benefit. As a result, your company does not have to pay payroll taxes on these funds. JAX’s employer program falls under the IRS’ Internal Revenue Code Section 132 and the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. In the United States, under this act, employers can provide tax-free transportation benefits, including transit passes, to their employees. Here are some key points:

  1. Tax-Free Benefit: Employers can offer up to a certain amount per month in transit passes, vanpooling, and parking benefits tax-free. For 2024, this amount is $300 per month.
  2. Pre-Tax Contributions: Employees can use pre-tax dollars to pay for transit passes, reducing their taxable income.
  3. Employer Deductions: Employers can deduct the cost of providing these transit benefits, potentially lowering their overall tax liability.
  4. Encourages Public Transit Use: This incentive encourages the use of public transportation, which can reduce traffic congestion and promote environmental sustainability.

Your accountant can help you decide how to structure the program in a way that works best for your agency. If your agency chooses to subsidize only a portion of the cost of employees’ monthly passes, employees can cover the balance with pre-tax dollars.

For more information or to inquire about how your agency can offer subsidized passes to employees, please contact the JAX Office.

JAX Speaks

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JAX continues to strive to better inform our community of the services offered and benefits of mass transit.  If you would like a JAX representative to speak at an upcoming event, please contact the JAX Office.  JAX speakers include the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Chief Safety and Wellness Officer.
