Ride with JAX

JAX offers the public transit services you need to get where you’re going. Whether a fixed route, rural, or our paratransit service, your adventure awaits. Explore your busing options here.

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Fixed-Route Busing Services

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Our fixed-route busing system provides swift transit to your favorite spots in Jackson County, including Elkville, DeSoto, Vergennes, Makanda, Grand Tower, Gorham, Campbell Hill, Ava, and Murphysboro. With dozens of buses in operation each day across our route network, you can rely on a short journey with even shorter wait times.


ADA Paratransit Services

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Each person deserves equal access to their community, so for our qualifying neighbors, JAX provides ADA paratransit services. Our wheel-chair accessible vehicles will travel to your place of residency and personally chauffeur you to your destination. We’re your key to the county.

How to Ride

To arrange paratransit service, please do the following:

  1.  Confirm your ADA eligibility. Don’t worry we are here to help. Verify eligibility once, and you’re good to go.
  2. Schedule your ride at least 24 hours in advance on our website or call in your request at 618-549-0304.
  3. A JAX bus will be at your stop within a thirty-minute window. Our paratransit service is a shared ride service, so timely arrival of your bus depends on the punctuality of all passengers that day. We recommend being prepared 15 minutes before and waiting up to 15 minutes after your scheduled pick up time. We’ll be there as soon as we can!

Limited Rural Route Transit

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You’re never out of reach with JAX. Our buses connect small town Jackson County with the big town Saluki Express. If you live outside of the fixed-route area and need access to our larger route network, we offer limited service to small cities and villages.

How to Ride

To schedule rural busing services, complete these steps:

  1. Chart out your journey to ensure JAX’s limited service meets your needs. Let’s make sure we can get you there and back.
  2. Contact us to schedule your ride at least 24 hours in advance or by calling 618-549-0304
  3. A JAX bus will arrive within a thirty-minute window of your scheduled time. 

Like our paratransit service, our limited rural routes are a shared ride experience. We cannot guarantee the bus will arrive precisely when scheduled. We suggest being prepared 15 minutes before and waiting up to 15 minutes after your pick up time.
